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El Macroscopio

El Macroscopio is an immersive fulldome installation where audiences become composers, altering a real-time physics system to blur the line between galactic and microscopic structures.

Produced by

Santiago Caicedo, Daniel Shambo, and Sebastián Hernández

Directed by

Santiago Caicedo, Daniel Shambo, and Sebastián Hernández

Project Description

El Macroscopio (The Macroscope) is a fulldome immersive interactive installation, whose concept is to generate a dichotomy of scales. Through a sensor installed in a device worn by whoever interacts with the work, it will be possible to alter with their hands (zooming in, rotating, moving away and manipulating), a real-time physics system that blurs the line between galactic and microscopic structures. In this way, depending on how people interact, the dome will go from being a telescope with a field of view of light years, to a microscope looking at cells within an
organism. By interacting with the work, the audience acts as a kind of composer, altering both the sound and the visuals creating unique experiences for him or herself and the other viewers on site.

About the Director

Bio coming soon!

Screening Details

Project Runtime


Programming Block

Dynamic Dimensions: Exploration Through Play and Interaction

Screening Day & Time

May 04, 1:30 PM

Project Gallery

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